Armenian Bible Church            

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Who are we?

The Armenian Bible Church is an independent Christian fellowship. 

Our Purpose:
The main purpose of the body of our church is to seriously follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and to pattern our personal and family lives based on the Bible.

Our Mission:
To become more like the Lord Jesus Christ in all aspects of our lives, personal, family and social.

To proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to all, and support those who do.

To provide the physical needs to those w
ho are in need, as commanded by our Lord.

Our Belief:
We are in essential agreement with the classical Christian confessions of faith  (Nicene Creed).  For further detail see our Statement of Faith                              



For since death came through a man,  the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. 

For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.    

I Corinthians 15:21-22

Love without Forgiveness

Colossian 3:13-14

I belong to a nation that faced genocide by the Turks over 98 years ago in our home land, because of our race and religion.  We had a generation (remnants) without parents and family. The grief and pain hardened our nation against Turks, filled them with hatred and bitterness. They had justification for this, one that the World would accept. But is it good enough for a Christian? ...

... Love becomes heavy, burdensome, it turns into a sacrifice. Why is love so burdensome?... more




Story of Vahram Tatikyan (1909-1965)

Passionate Evangelist      

Vahram's single-minded service to God and man, first in Istanbul, then in Anatolia and finally in different countries around the world reads like a spiritual epic...  What is so distinctive and striking about this godly man and yet whose name is virtually unknown in our times?  How was it that he, who knew neither school nor university, was able to speak to hundreds of thousands of people...  more


The Great Duty of Family Religion

But further, persons are generally very liberal in their criticisms of the minister, and think they rightly blame the conduct of that minister who is not careful to watch over the flock, of which the Holy Spirit has made him overseer: but isn’t every head of a family, also liable to the same criticism, who gives no thought for those souls that are committed too his charge? For every house is as it were a little congregation, every family head (as we have observed) is a priest, every family is a flock; and if any of them perish through the neglect of the head of that family, then God will require their blood at his hands.
more ...





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Approximately five million Christians lost their homeland and many their lives during World War I and afterwards. A wide-scale evangelistic endeavor had begun with the entrance of foreign missionaries in 1821.  In the ensuing years the message of Christ saturated Asia Minor. At the start of World War I in 1914, the proclamation of the Good News was continuing favorably...     Some of them are bathed in sublime joy and others drenched in human blood. This remarkable account of Haralambos Bostanjoglou is only one in the series of brilliant achievements in Asia Minor prior to the blotting out of the Christian faith. The reader will observe unswerving gallantry against an unrelenting adversary, fascinating reception and appalling rejection, a desperate community and a despondent outcome. It is a story that is still fresh after nine decades.   more...


 "How to be Free from Bitterness"  

Before we begin discussing how and why this must be done, it is crucial to realize that the basis for all our actions in this regard must be what Jesus Christ has done for us on the cross. In all our actions, we are to be imitators of God....

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 In English  


How Does a Woman Become Secure? 


A woman was made by God to be loved, protected, provided for and to be made secure. However for some reasons a woman may not feel loved, protected or secure.  Security is often a function of objective truth and subjective feeling. more...



Preacher: The Channel of Communication, and not the source of it.


At an ordination service a few years ago the preacher who gave the charge to the young minister pleaded eloquently for consecration of mind and energy, and ended up with exhortation, "Now go out and give to your preaching all that is in you."  It was a fitting word for the occasion, persuasively spoken; yet it would be hard to conceive a better definition of just what preaching is not. It is not giving all that is in us; it is giving that which is not in us at all.  It is the preacher's presenting himself and all that he is and has as a channel for something that is not in him, the grace of God.  The first words of the Bible are the first words of preaching: "In the beginning God."

H. E. Luccock, Yale University Divinity School



The Loving Thing


Someone recently gave me a book titled Stop Witnessing and Start Loving...Ironically, most of these "mercy ministries" to the Jewish people do not present the gospel as part of their ministry. In an attempt to allay suspicion, many are quite clear that they won't witness about their faith at all... more



Apraham Hoja of Aintab

While I was living in Marash word reached us that there was a distinguished soldier of the Cross in Aintab who was God’s instrument in the revival there...… But we were astonished to see an ordinary-looking man, clothed as if he were from the poorest peasant class. It was he, along with twenty-seven other Christian believers, who were burned to death in Osmaniye on April 14, 1909, on their way to the Cilician Convention in Adana.  … more


Stephan Efendi of Zinjirdere     

During the past few decades, Turkey (Anatolia) has been in the limelight of activity for the Savior of all people.  Hundreds of proclaimers of Good Tidings from many countries have been motivated to spread Christ’s message all the way from the main metropolises to the remotest hamlets in this historic land. The brief life story of Stephanos Sirinides (1846-1916) will elucidate contemporary laborers in this same land…  more


Historical Present  

This short paper is meant to do two things. First, it will attempt to explain the historical present: what it is, how it is used, and when it is used. Second, it will try to show that Romans 7:14-25 does in-deed use the historical present and that understanding this may change the way most Christians view this passage. more..


Quotation of the time:  Law, Gospel & Dispensationalist

“But surely we must draw a definite and broad line between the Law and the Gospel. It is at this point that the Dispensationalist considers his position to be the strongest and most unassailable; yet nowhere else does he more display his ignorance, for he neither recognizes the grace of God abounding during the Mosaic era, nor can he see that Law has any rightful place in this Christian age. Law and grace are to him antagonistic elements, and (to quote one of his favorite slogans) "will no more mix than will oil and water." Not a few of those who are now regarded as the champions of orthodoxy tell their hearers that the principles of law and grace are such contrary elements that where the one be in exercise the other must necessarily be excluded. But this is a very serious error. How could the Law of God and the Gospel of the grace of God conflict? The one exhibits Him as "light," the other manifest Him as "love" (1 John 1:5; 4:8), and both are necessary in order fully to reveal His perfections: if either one be omitted only a one-sided concept of His character will be formed. The one makes known His righteousness, the other displays His mercy, and His wisdom has shown the perfect consistency there is between them."  Arthur W. Pink


The story of Dr. Daniel Morrison Benonia Thom written by Nellie Elona Thom Freyer

Father came to the United States when a minor with his father and mother, brothers and sisters. They settled in Wisconsin and then moved to Minnesota near Owatonna, Steele County, Minnesota. He studied at Rush Medical College, Chicago and went to Mardin, Turkey as a medical missionary (for forty years) with his wife in 1874, where he remained until he was deported by the Turks during the first World War at the in­stigation of the Germans, to Sivas, Turkey, where he died of typhus on 8 December 1915 and was buried there.  His wife passed away in childbirth re­sulting from uremia poisoning on 16 January 1888... more




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Her History, Doctrine, Rule, Discipline, Liturgy, Literature, and Existing Condition

By Malachia Ormanian

Formerly Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople (Istanbul)



Abortion:  The Great American Evil


How many people have you heard say that they are personally against abortion (they wouldn't do it themselves), but didn't want to infringe on another person's right to do as they wish?  There were plenty of people in Germany that maybe didn't personally kill any Jews, but they stood by and let it happen.  Even if they couldn't have stopped it, they should have tried.  What can one voice do to stop the tide of abortion in this country?  Not much maybe, but my voice will be heard ...  more


Others Articles:



Gift of Evangelism

... then there are many of us who have the heart of an evangelist but seemingly not the gift.  So we take classes on the subject or hear sermons on it to try to develop the gift.  These may even help-but still we don't have the gift.  It is easy to feel down about this so people try to encourage us with words like "ploughman and planters are just as important as reapers."  But we still envy the joy of the harvester ... more


Comparison between 

 Masonry and Christianity


 Masonry recognizes many saviors    more...